Sunday, December 7, 2008
The Garden Lit Up
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Snow Gardens

I started out using the camera's setting for snow and somehow later ended up on the auto setting which explains the colour difference in the photos. The light played a part too as the sky was quite dark earlier in the morning. As the day went on clouds thinned and the sun poked out a couple of times.

The shot above was taken with the sports (action) feature and nicely catches the falling snow.
Pretty it is until a few months have passed and we've had enough of it and yearn for spring to appear once again.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Looking Back
Oh wait a minute... that's when it all started. My first blog was of winter pics. Check it out at Winter. And the seasons they go round and round.
In Magazine Stand I set my sights on the perfect renovation for my little shed and stuck to my guns and did it! With a little help from the men in my family. Here is the story First Things First.
Spring brings sprouts and Waiting for everything to come to life including me!
Additions to the garden in 2008.
New trellis for the kiwi vineIt's All About Convenience
and of course... Dexter
And a few thing which have been around for a while
BirdhousesSaturday, November 1, 2008
PS...Check out these incredible carvings.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Halloween Prep
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Devil of a Dog
Monday, October 27, 2008
Last Buds
Sunday, October 26, 2008
In Praise of the Hydrangea
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Spooky Things in the Garden
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Blue Berries
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What's That in the Compost Pile?
We compost yard waste, grass clippings and kitchen scraps which includes vegatable waste, coffee grinds and egg shells. The compost gets turned once in a while and voila, twice a year we have what I like to call 'black gold'. No special additives to make it work, just natural compost.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Falling for Fall
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A Good Growing Season
It has been a phenomenal grownig season with abundant rain - not the hot dry weather we are so used to. Everything did well this year. Some shrubs grew to twice the size they were last year. We didn't have a vegetable garden however it would have been a good year to have one.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Tour My Garden Part Four
and of course a bird bath

the moss grew exceptionally well this year
Stepping stones lead up through the garden on the east side of the house where day lillies, hydrangea, sedum, butterfly bush and kousa dogwood thrive in the sun. In the shadier areas goatsbeard, solomon's seal, helleborus, meadowrue, ferns and hostas feel at home.
Another little garden plot on the back of the house sits on a slope from the back of the house and is home to mostly shade loving plants. Bugbane, hostas, heuchera, ligularia, japanese painted ferns and hakonechloa macra. A sweet pea winds its way up the trellis beside this garden.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tour My Garden Part Three
Looking into the backyard from the pathway on the east side.
Mr. Turtle sprinkles one half of the garden...
and Mr Frog looks after the other half.
The start of my cutting beds. Zinnias, delphinium, glads, dahlias, lavender and more to come.
where we will tour in Part Four