While he was playing with his power tools installing shelves, I managed to get some garden clean up done. It was the best of both worlds - I was back in the garden again after a long (aren't they always long?) winter and my shed was being fixed up so I can be a more organized gardener. Who could ask for more? That's free therapy if you ask me.
First things first. Craig installed the metal reinforcement grid. Then on when the shelves. My son even got in on the project!
Then I got to do the fun stuff - putting the finishing touches on. I am going to call it a potting shed now because it has a stainless steel work table big enough to pot at and bins for holding soil, plant pots and such. There is a message board, clips to hang large garden tools, lots of hooks and clips to hold odds & sods and a magnetic strip to hold scissors and such.
The wooden cabinet with bins is from Ikea. The step-on garbage (Walmart) can has 2 sections which I will use for garbage and compostables. My twine hangs on a toilet paper roll roll holder. The large bin is full of plastic pots.
Remember this is a little shed about 6 1/2' x 3 1/2' but there's a place for everything and everything is in it's place. Gloves are stacked neatly in a pot lid holder. A lazy suzan to use when potting plants. I wonder will it always look this tidy?
Life is good.
Hope you had a good weekend too.
I love the shed re-organization project! On my agenda..maybe this year??? Is to build a shed. We had a nice big one at our last home but since moving here 2 years ago I have been "shed-less." Your pictures given me some great ideas.
On my blog I have begun chronicling the Spring emergence of the gardens at Emily Dickinson's House (museum) which is 2 doors down form my house. Stop by fora visit!
How fun! Could we please borrow Craig? lol I get so much more done in a day when I have a place for everything and everything in its place.
Found you through blotanicals. I'm sure I'll be back.
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