Sunday, November 23, 2008

Snow Gardens

Mother Nature has designed a new garden for us. This one is mostly white. It includes sculptures created of snow falling without any wind involved.

Although I recognize some of the objects underneath the white stuff, others had me stumped for a while.

About a foot of the white stuff fell over night.
Year after year the transformation (which began earlier in the week) always amazes me. I don't mind when the snow arrives because it covers the dull and bleak landscape that November brings.

I started out using the camera's setting for snow and somehow later ended up on the auto setting which explains the colour difference in the photos. The light played a part too as the sky was quite dark earlier in the morning. As the day went on clouds thinned and the sun poked out a couple of times.

The shot above was taken with the sports (action) feature and nicely catches the falling snow.

Pretty it is until a few months have passed and we've had enough of it and yearn for spring to appear once again.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Looking Back

Looking back on the garden before it's covered in snow - again.
Oh wait a minute... that's when it all started. My first blog was of winter pics. Check it out at Winter. And the seasons they go round and round.

In Magazine Stand I set my sights on the perfect renovation for my little shed and stuck to my guns and did it! With a little help from the men in my family. Here is the story First Things First.

Spring brings sprouts and Waiting for everything to come to life including me!

Additions to the garden in 2008.

New trellis for the kiwi vine

Let's Face It

Little Boxes

Lady in the Garden

It's All About Convenience

and of course... Dexter

And a few thing which have been around for a while

Bits and pieces


Saturday, November 1, 2008


It's all over now - except for the cleanup. Once the Halloween stuff is put away the focus will shift to hunting for greenery to dress up the window boxes and urns. Yes, my friends the next(Canadian) holiday is only 53 days away!

We had a grand total of 5 trick or treaters at our door last night. Not that we ever get a lot - the neighbourhood kids have all grown up. My co-workers will be enjoying some sugary delights on Monday! The weather was fantastic - warm and dry. The ghosts and goblins can be packed away dry and tidy until next year.

Happy November 1st! Gotta go now and take down those spider webs!

PS...Check out these incredible carvings.