Well here we are in the latter part of September... already. Much planning and effort goes into our gardens starting with the clean up in Spring. We watch the new sprouts and breathe in the fresh air. We can't wait to get digging in the dirt and find ourselves looking around to find something(s) to transplant whether it (they) needs it or not.
And we watch some more and we weed. We prepare containers and plant seeds. We water. And we watch some more and then one day, we realize we are not waiting any more, everything is coming into itself. And we weed and water, do a little more transplanting and planning. And then September comes.
I found I had a whack of photos so decided to put them in some kind of order in a post. I have shown you many closeups but not many wide shots of my garden... so here I will try to give you a view of what is in my yard.
And we watch some more and we weed. We prepare containers and plant seeds. We water. And we watch some more and then one day, we realize we are not waiting any more, everything is coming into itself. And we weed and water, do a little more transplanting and planning. And then September comes.
I found I had a whack of photos so decided to put them in some kind of order in a post. I have shown you many closeups but not many wide shots of my garden... so here I will try to give you a view of what is in my yard.
Welcome to my garden. Let's start at the front.
Ranging from deep shade to full sun, the front garden hosts a variety of plants. Sedum, blue fescue and daylillies enjoy the hot sun while hostas, ligularia and ferns are happy in the cool shade. Pyamidal cedars, a huge spruce, and giant maples (not shown) and a Corkscrew Hazel provide the bones.
It has taken a number of years to design and get the right plant situated in the right spot and it isn't over yet... this garden will continue to be 'tweaked'. Once a plant is doing well where it's planted, I generally leave it there - but then there are always exceptions to this rule.
Now we'll head on to the back via the west side of the house where ornamental grasses grow up alongside the neighbour's shed. Virginia creeper grows up the trunk of the black walnut.
Sambucas 'Black Beauty', daylillies, creeping sedum and an austrian pine.
In Part Two we'll continue down the west side into the back garden.
You have many vivid combinations. I like the grouping of Eupatorium, Sedum and hostas. Your rock garden area has so much in bloom right now. It looks pretty.
I know what you mean about tweaking the plant arrangements. A few of my plants are getting a little tired of being tweaked so much. They'd like to put down a few roots and stay in one place awhile.
I know what you mean northern shade, sometimes it takes a while get the arrangement right. Often, I've moved something only to realize it wasn't the best choice but it sure is satisfying when it works!
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