Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Good Weather - Will Travel

I went to see my daughter on the weekend. I miss her and have been trying to plan a trip (she's a couple of hours away) but there always seems to be a winter storm on it's way to ruin my plans. While I was there I tagged along with her and her boyfriend to view 5 houses - they have been house hunting for their first home.

Okay, so also while I was there, list of materials, Canadian Gardening magazine in hand and daughter beside me, I set off to purchase the supplies needed to do the garden shed reno. I haven't been to an Ikea store for so long it's shameful. They serve breakfast for a buck so we added that to our adventure. My daughter loves Ikea and is familiar with the "process" of shopping there. Everytime we found an item that would have to be picked up in the self serve warehouse, she would write down the info. I couldn't have done it without her. Well maybe I could have but wouldn't have had as much fun and definitely wouldn't have made it back to the pre-arranged house viewing at 12:30 (which we did with 5 minutes to spare - impressive).

I am happy to say that they really liked the house so while I was driving home, they were putting an offer together and later that evening I got the call that their offer had been accepted. It has a beautiful back yard with 2 mature blue spruce and a few deciduous trees (which we haven't idenified yet) - good bones. Ample space for gardens. My daughter has been gardening in containters on the balcony of their condo so now she can really down and dirty diggin in the dirt.

Now when I am dividing or buying plants, I will be thinking of my daughter. Will this be a good starter, low maintenance plant? Will she like it? Don't want to overwhelm her with a lot of fussy plants that won't last and turn her off gardening. Besides, with work and possibly babies to come, she won't have the time. Did I say babies? Oh oh, I am in trouble now.

My son also bought a house and will be taking possession in a few weeks. He is going to be here in Kincardine, but says I am not touching his yard. It also has mature trees and a tall cedar hedge surrounding the property. A gardeners paradise. He has (jokingly I'm sure) said he will put up an iron gate to keep his garden obsessed mother out. I know he'll mellow out some day and let me in. In the meantime, I will keep a spare set of gardening tools in the truck for when I drop by.

Until then, I will wait for the snow to melt so I can start the garden shed reno and clean up the gardens. I think it's going to be a good year.


Jane O' said...

How nice that you were able to spend time with your daughter. My daughter lives one hour away and the weather interfered over and over again this year. We sometimes went months without seeing each other. Hard to handle!

Carol Soules said...

Wonderful! My daughter and son-in-law bought their first house last August. My garden took a back seat for a few weeks as I divided and shopped the late summer sales and helped her put in a new bed, alongside a little Mt. fed stream in her back yard. It was so fun.

I hope your son eventually relents. You just have to find the proverbial key. Maybe he needs something low key and easy care? Nothing too fru fru. How about a "garden" designed around a fire pit or BBQ? Sound like something he might bite at? lol!