Saturday, August 30, 2008

More... I Heart You

It started with a couple of hosta leaves I Heart You . Then I started noticing more heart shaped leaves and realized the garden is full of hearts! Common leaf shape you say... I agree and love them all the same.

Top to bottom, left to right - dutchman's pipe, lamium, morning glory, brunnera 'jack frost, coleus, oops brunnera again, sweet potato vine, mulberry, another sweet potato vine.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Lots O' Green And White In This Garden

Taking notice of the green and white (or close to white) combinations in the garden one day led me to yet another photo frenzy. Above are the blades of Miscanthus sinensis 'Huron Sentinel'

Lamium 'Beacon Silver'

Although this hosta has been in the garden forever, I have yet to research the name so it remains hosta 'green and white'

Our neighbour had her windows replaced and gave us one of her old windows for the garden. It is tucked in amongst the Cornus alternifolia 'Pagoda' and Cornus sericea 'Red- Osier' dogwoods.

Cobweb Hens & Chicks

Hydrangea paniculata 'Pink Diamond'

Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'


'Limelight' Licorice plant


Bunny on guard or 'Rabbiroo'

Almost but not quite in my garden, this belongs to the neighbour who gardens along side of us. Fleece flower - maybe persicaria?

White, very fragrant peony

Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii' - doublefile viburnum


Rock and sedum

Armeria maritima sea thrift

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

For the Birds

Food and housing for the birds

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Praise for Zinnias and Dahlias

Okay, so I like taking photos in the garden. Lots of them. And close up. Chances are if I go to the garden with the camera, it may be a hundred or more pictures later when I put it down.
Here are some of my favourite flowers. Zinnias and dahlias. I love cosmos, day lillies and morning glories too and will try to post a feature on them in the near future.

This burgandy dahlia is in my garden and the next two, one yellow and one pink, are in my neighbour's garden.

This is the zinnia bed in my garden. I love zinnias and try to find a spot each year to plant them. What isn't to love is the powdery mildew they often get - yet they are still worth the effort of planting the seed, watering and thinning and/or transplanting.

Even when you think the flower is full of petals and looks beautiful, many more petals have yet to open as seen in the second photo.

Pretty at any stage of the growing game.